Electric Ship Research &
Development Consortium

Scattering Parameters for Transient Analysis of Shipboard Power Systems

Publication Date

  • 2/15/2013


  • Matthias Kofler


The research presented in this thesis has been performed at the Center for Advanced Power Systems of Florida State University in 2012. Topic of research is the concept for the future All-electric ship of the United States Navy.

Primary focus of this thesis is on a novel approach on modeling and simulation of electrical power system components using scattering parameters for the analysis of different system grounding architectures.

In chapter 1 and 2 a short introduction to the All-electric ship concept and the topic of grounding of direct current power system operated at medium voltage level is given, while in chapter 3 the modeling approach based on S-parameters is presented. This approach allows the modeling of power system components such as cables, bus bars, machines, power electronic converters and the ship hull based on generated or measured S-parameters for the development of simulation models. These models can be used to perform simulation studies.

The S-parameter approach is a novelty in the field of power simulations. Available simulation software packages for power system modeling such as PSCAD/EMTDC or MATLAB/Simulink usually do not allow the direct integration of linear network blocks characterized by S-parameters. A generic N-port block has been developed which allows to embed models of subsystems based on their S-parameter in power systems software packages in the manner of linear time invariant networks.

The model implementation is presented and validation studies have been performed which show very good modeling performance. As a result of the research, investigations can now be performed for studying the experimental power system setup of Purdue University to support the research for All-electric ship.